Southern Retreat

Southern Retreat

Wychcroft Retreat Centre   29th-31st July 2022

Be Still and Know

Leader Rev Hilary Fife

Hilary is an Anglican priest who up to her recent retirement was working as a hospital chaplain, as well as leading reflective days.

The retreat will be in silence from Friday night to Sunday lunch time and will follow the format of inputs from the leader, each followed by ample time for private reflection, in the peaceful stillness of the presence of God.

Wychcroft, the Southwark Diocesan Retreat and Resource Centre, is a Victorian house 22 miles south of London, set in the heart of the Surrey countryside near Bletchingley and five miles from Redhill train station.

Wychcroft Retreat and Resource Centre – The Diocese of Southwark (

The cost for the weekend (accommodation and full board) is £190